Friday, May 30, 2014

Whubble Village

It’s here…Whubble Village!!!
See it in stores - Local & Online – today!
*Barnes & Noble:
*BK Royston Publishing:
*Christian Book & Supply
  120 Cambridge St.
  Burlington, MA

Whubble Village
The story is about a young boy who is teased for the way he talks, but discovers a special secret that helps him remember life in Whubble Village, where he used to live. Family and friends share a priceless message with him that he must carefully guard, yet share with others. He is given a pearl to remind him of his purpose and potential. If he does well, then when his life is complete he can return to Whubble Village.

Meet the characters:
Neb Narble
Mom, Dad, & brother (Marble)
Lally Limm
Nerma Liffle
Cotter Shum
Ms. Kellee
The Teachers

The book addresses aspects of the purpose of life and of the worth of individuals with a fun and unique approach. It also addresses the importance of loving those who may seem different, choosing to be a friend instead of a bully, choosing to stand firm for what you believe, and the magic of helping others along the way.

Here is what one reviewer had to say on Amazon and Goodreads:
Great children's book! - This creative story with a unique twist teaches young children that it is not bad to be unique and that you should not laugh at those that are different than you. I love the moral of this story and I think that it is a wonderful, imaginative story. I do find it to be a bit silly at times. I loved the illustrations, but I wished that they were full page illustrations. The…story is great and the morals taught are excellent. -Jessica Bradley Barnes (Book Reviews from a Christian Gal)